Dictionar aeronautic englez-roman volumul 2

Editat de Departamentul Aviatiei Civile- Centrul de Instruire a Personalului Aeronautic in anul 1976, Dictionarul Aeronautic Englez-Roman este intocmit de Malaescu Daniel si ing. Cotoman Constantin fiind o publicatie de uz intern.

Editarea acestui volum este menita, precum este specificat in prefata lucrarii sa ajute pe toti cei care lucreaza in aviatia civila si militara la traducerea si insusirea documentatiei si a problemelor legate de aviatie.

Autorii au cautat sa selecteze si sa traduca un numar de 3.500 de prescurtari uzuale din aproximativ 50.000 prescurtari pe care le-au gasit in diferite lucrari de specialitate publicate in strainatate.

Dictionarul cuprinde in special prescurtari referitoare la constructia aeronavelor, motoare, aerodinamica, echipamente electrice, radio si radiolocatie de bord si sol, meteorologie, etc. 

Timbru 2 penny Noua Zeelanda

colectii+filatelie+stamps+abroad+stamps+stiati+caEste bine stiut printre colectionari ca prima emisiune de timbre din Noua Zeelanda incepe cu portretul Chalon al Reginei Victoria in anul 1855.

Serviciile postale din Noua Zeelanda s-au extins incepand cu a doua jumatate a secolului al 19-lea prin actul care ingaduia guvernelor provinciilor locale sa deschida oficii postale.

Timbrele din Noua Zeelanda sunt printre primele care inaugureaza prezentarea de portrete pe emisiunile definitive de timbre.

Timbrul de 2 penny infatisand chipul Reginei Victoria este emis in anul 1882 si face parte din seria Regine.

Epistole vesele

"Doresc ca milici mele randulete" sau "Epistole vesele" de Tudor Musatescu ilustrata admirabil cu 35 de desene in text semnate de Fred Ghenadescu, apare in anul 1945 la editura Universul.

Din aceasta editie s-au tiparit 100 exemplare de lux hors commerce numerotate de la 1 la 100 semnate de autor. Volumul cuprinde 30 de epistole savuroase asternute cu condeiul in stilul inconfundabil al maestrului Tudor Musatescu.

Pentru ilustrare redam mai jos un pasaj dintr-o epistola:

"Domnule Politai

In seara zilei de 23 Aprilie, anul curent fiind onomastica nasterii mele,- individul Nae Mopsu zis alias Gogu Niculescu, care cred ca-l stiti si dvs., stindu-l toata lumea care a patit cu el ca betiv si derbedeu., s-a oprit sub ferestrele caselor mele de zestre, in stare de ebrietate si beat, intonandu-mi diferite cantece de lume ca "Ciuful" si "Din cires pana-n cires" ale caror cuplete cred ca le stiti si dvs. 

Nu-mi e de mine si de sotia mea, care am mai auzit asemenea porcarii fiind majori si oameni in toata firea, cat de fiica noastra Viorica de a carei cinste si virginitate uzam in societate pentru a o marita cat mai curand posibil avand si oaresicare partide in vedere.

Trebuie sa se termine odata cu aceste haimanale si indivizi care fiindca e respinsi ca gineri, ca nimenea cu scaun la cap nu i-ar da-o, si ntelege a se purta cu cetatenii pasnici intr-un mod atat de veneric.

De aceea cu onoare va rog sa binevoiti a pune mana pe acest domn si a-i trage un toc de bataie, mai condensata cum stiti dvs. la politie de-i bagati in spital, acest nemernic si individ fiind primejdios atat fetelor noastre ale tuturor, cat si noua ca higiena si romani". O tempora, o mores.

German stamps

Among german stamps 20,000,000 German reichsmark stamp was issued on 1923-10-28 during the inflation period. This emission had 2 variants that you can see here. Type of printing was typography. 

German stamps during inflation period had a lot of enormous values because of the economic disaster. It is well known that the government was forced to print more money and the value of the mark begin to fall dramatically. 

Workers were paid a few times each day having off time to spend the income before its value vanished. They say that during the year of 1923 a piece of bread worth billion of marks and markets were empty. 

 Between 1921-1923 about 200 varieties of german stamps were issued. The overprinting method was actual because the economic crash and the post office could not design new german stamps to keep up with the inflation.

Coltea church Bucharest

Built during the 18th century this architecture masterpiece combines more architectural styles: byzantine, Brancoveanu style also known as the Wallachian Renaissance and Romanian Renaissance style and also Italian Renaissance elements.
After the 1838 earthquake the building was renovated by the architect Faiser and the entrepreneur C. Schwink. In 1871 the famous Romanian artist Gheorghe Tattarescu painted the interior.
Closed by the regime until 1989 the church of Coltea remains one of the most attractive  monuments of Bucharest. Placed near another monument, Coltea Hospital, the oldest hospital in the city, the architecture monument is a sample of long lasting resistance.
If Romania is on your list to visit someday, stop by and take a tour of the so called Little Paris, Bucharest, you won't regret it :)

FuG 10


FuG 10 EK Luftwaffe radio equipment

During the the 1930s  the German enterprise Lorenz AG developed the well known by now aircraft radio system FuG 10 (FunkGerät) with two wave ranges: FunkGerät 10 Emfänger Langwelle(EL) and FunkGerät 10 Empfänger Kurzwelle(EK).

Since 1939 it was the preferred system in all large aircraft (Luftwaffe) with several crew members like Henkel He 111, Messerschmidt ME 110, Junkers Ju 88 and Dornier DO 217.

According to Wikipedia military products from Lorenz during WWII included land-based and airborne radars, two-way radio sets, wire recorders, radio tubes, and Germany’s most secure communications device, the Lorenz cipher machine. Lorenz owned 25% of Focke-Wulf, the German aircraft firm that built some of the most successful Luftwaffe fighter aircraft.

FuG 10 series: are a family of transceivers for both R/T and W/T communications. The German FUG-10 panel, or rack, contained two transmitters and two receivers: One transmitter and its companion receiver operated in the MF or Longwave; 300 to 600 kHz (1,000 to 500 m) range and the other transmitter and its companion receiver operated in the HF or Shortwave range; 3 to 6 MHz (100 to 50 m). Most of the FuG 10 series used a fixed wire aerial between the fuselage and tailfin or a retractable trailing aerial wire. 

courtesy of   

Kinetoterapie orientala

Autor Laurentiu Ene, an aparitie 1990 la Editura Cronos'90.

Rigorile vietii moderne modifica in permanenta regimul de viata al omului contemporan si raporturile sale cu mediul inconjurator. 

Cele mai multe cuceriri tehnice si stiintifice au facilitat eliberarea omului de o serie de eforturi anevoioase dar au atras o cohorta de efecte negative.

 Lucrarea prezinta metode fizice terapeutice si calea obtinerii efectelor benefice pentru intreaga fiinta a individului dornic de armpnizarea nevazutului cu cele ce se vad. Pentru cei interesati volumul poate fi vizionat si aici.

Metaux rares et pierres precieuses

Metaux rares et pierres precieuses, Collection Sciences et Voyages, Paris,  Autor: G. Kerormel  An aparitie 1926, cuprins relevant pentru cu...